When you buy a rabbit r1, your order will be fulfilled by our warehouse within three business days. After your order is fulfilled, your device will be shipped and you will get an email with the tracking number. Visit the track my order page for more details about your order.
Refer to the list below to find estimated shipping times for the different countries and regions where r1 is sold. Shipping time is how long it takes your package to be delivered by a carrier after your order is fulfilled.
- United States: 5 business days
- Canada: 10 business days
- EU and UK: 13 business days
- Australia, Japan, and South Korea: 10 business days
- New Zealand: 13 business days
- Singapore: 12 business days
- Switzerland: 7 business days
Warning: Shipping estimates are subject to change. Carrier shipping times may be delayed due to the holiday shipping season. Contact the shipping carrier directly for any delivery questions.