
How to use beta rabbit on rabbit r1

Using beta rabbit on rabbit r1 is easy—hold the side button, say "beta rabbit", and then ask your question. Beta rabbit is an experimental way for your rabbit r1 to understand complex voice prompts and then use different tools to provide comprehensive answers.


This article provides instructions and examples for how to use beta rabbit.


Note: We are integrating all the features from beta rabbit into the default experience.

What can I do with beta rabbit?

Highlighted actions you can perform with beta rabbit are listed below.

  • Ask complex questions. Use beta rabbit to provide long form, comprehensive answers to complex questions. You can also ask beta rabbit to save specific details about your conversation to rabbithole, including website links.
  • Search with vision. Ask questions about different objects like art, food, plants, and anything else in your surroundings with beta rabbit.
  • Get navigation directions. Use beta rabbit to plan routes for different travel modes like walking, driving, and public transportation. Get details like distance, travel time, and cost.
  • Explore places around you. Get recommendations for places to visit and research information like reviews, hours of operation, and official websites about different locations.
  • Perform calculations. Ask beta rabbit about math based questions and get accurate results using WolframAlpha.
  • Find images. Ask beta rabbit to provide images as part of your search results and images will be included in the long form response.

How is beta rabbit different?

Beta rabbit can give more thoughtful responses to complex questions that require multiple steps of research and deeper reasoning. Similar to a conversation with a person, r1 will ask you for clarification if additional information is needed to answer your question.


Tip: If beta rabbit takes a while to answer complex questions like image searches or calculations, r1 will keep you updated to let you know that it is still thinking.

How to use beta rabbit in vision mode

Follow the instructions below to use beta rabbit in vision mode.

  1. Double-click the side button to enter vision mode
  2. Press and hold the side button, say "beta rabbit", ask your r1 questions about what it is looking at, and then release the side button
  3. When you release the side button, your r1 will take a photo
  4. If your r1 asks a clarifying question, press and hold the side button to answer

Note: Your r1 will take another photo every time you release the side button in vision mode.

Prompts to try with beta rabbit

Try the following example prompts to discover beta rabbit's power.

  • "Beta rabbit, can you give me the recipe for a vesper martini and recommend the best gins and vodkas to use? Also tell me more about Lillet Blanc, I've never tried that and don't know what it tastes like."
  • "Beta rabbit, I'm almost finished reading the book "Recursion" by Blake Crouch. Can you recommend some books similar to it? Include page length, a brief summary, year of release, and rating."
  • "Beta rabbit, I want to learn how to make beats and produce music. I love house music and have a Mac. What are some courses and programs you recommend to get started?"
  • "Beta rabbit, I have some fitness goals. I really wanna lose 10 pounds in the next month. I have a really busy schedule. Can you recommend some good diet habits? Also, a good cardio regime. For the next 30 days to achieve this as possible."
  • "Beta rabbit, can you find me the most popular Marvel Comics backpacks under $20? Please include the purchase links and photos of each one."

Tip: Read the prompt handbook to learn about other voice prompts you can use with your rabbit r1.

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