
How to use alarms on rabbit r1

You can ask your rabbit r1 to set alarms for specific times and days of the week. This article provides instructions on how to create, view, edit, and delete alarms.


Tip: Learn how to use timers on your rabbit r1.

How to set an alarm on rabbit r1

To set an alarm, press and hold the side button on your r1 and say when you want the alarm. You can specify the time, day of the week, and how often to repeat.


Example: "Set an alarm for 8 am every Tuesday and Thursday"

Tips for using alarms on your rabbit r1

Review the following tips for using alarms on r1.

  • View your alarms. Press and hold the side button on your r1 and say something like "Show my alarms".
  • Choose alarm frequency. You can set an alarm to repeat every day, specific days of the week, every weekday, or every weekend.
  • Snooze an alarm. When an alarm goes off, you can dismiss the alarm or snooze it for nine minutes. The alarm will automatically snooze after one minute.
  • Review your alarm. After you tell your r1 to create an alarm, a confirmation screen will appear with the details.
  • Set as many alarms as you want. There is no limit to the number of alarms that you can set.

How to change and manage your alarms

From the alarms screen, you can select an alarm and then do the following.

  • Toggle the alarm on and off
  • Change if and when the alarm repeats
  • Delete the alarm

alarms on rabbit r1 with options to toggle alarm, change frequency, and delete alarm

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