This article provides instructions about how to cancel an order for rabbit r1. For detailed, and the most up-to-date, information on cancellations and returns, visit our Warranty and Return Policy.
Tip: If you already received your r1, learn how to start a refund return or warranty exchange.
How to cancel an order for r1
You can cancel your order and request a refund any time before your order begins to ship.
- Go to
- Enter your name and email address
- Select order cancellation for the reason
- Provide your order number
- Click submit
Someone from our support team will review your order cancellation request. If your cancellation is approved, your refund will be issued back to your original method of payment within ten (10) business days.
How to cancel an order with a different vendor
We can only cancel orders purchased directly from rabbit at If you placed an order with a different retailer or vendor, you will need to contact them directly.